Tribute to our now deceased cat, Springer

It is hard to say whether in 50 to 100 years a "normal" family will have pets others than animals who can do work. I hope that people will still be able to afford and feed friends of the family such as a house cat.
Either way, for now we still do have pets. In our case a pair of house cats, both domestic shorthairs, a male and female each, both acquired from the Humane Society.
Last Sunday, on the evening of February 11, 2007, we lost our oldest cat, Springer. We acquired Springer exactly 15 years to the month, back in February 1992 when we still lived in the Illinois Quad Cities. The vet was not certain of his age, guessing that he was likely 24 months old, possibly older, which would place his birth back in either 1989 or 1990. Seventeen or eighteen years is a decent age for a cat to live.
We will miss Springer. We have many fond memories of him. We hope that we were able to serve him well in how we fed and kept him. And we appreciate being with him at the very end, as he died in our home with us present.
So long, Springer. Rest in peace.
Kevin Anderson
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