Thursday, July 15, 2010

See "Green Wizardry" series over on TheArchdruidReport

John Michael Greer, over on his outstanding blog, The Archdruid Report (, has recently started a series of posts and educational lessons on what he is calling "green wizardry." His goal is to teach all of us (okay, those who will listen and learn), and have each of us self-teach, about the skills and lessons needed about living in a less energy-intensive way. He is using, in part, as his starting point what was already known and written about in the 70s and 80s, plus previously taught in ecology before it got "modernized."

Remember all those DIY books on insulating your home, building solar dehydrators, solar water heaters, and so on? Remember all those pamphlets published by your university extension agent? They are back (or should be back) as part of our resource to preserve and learn from. Here is one rather comprehensive set of those pamphlets, all 190 pages worth as a PDF document, that I commend all of you to print and save:

I commend anyone reading my blog who isn't already reading JMGs materials to go on over there. Read. Learn. Participate. He will succeed in what honestly was the starting point for this personal blog several years ago. While I didn't (and would not have thought to call it) "green wizardry," if you search the earliest posts on this blog on what my goal was (e.g., the first and last posts in my August 2005 archive), it is actually the same as what JMG will accomplish.

Humbled in Dubuque,
Kevin Anderson


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